• First aid to the rescue when in case of emergency

    December 20, 2016

    First Aid at Burns Light

    Interest First aid THE burns is to review Reduce pain, prevent infection, as well as shock events Overcoming The victim may suffer. The trick is to reduce temperature Around burns that can be prevented wound underneath Evolving Network ON MORE Severe Again.
    Based on the severity, NO 3 Tier burns. Level I Was burns burns Lightweight WITH extent of damage Network Only Exterior thick layer of skin peels. For example, the skin is exposed to sun or direct contact with objects like The Hot air boil. Burns like singer generally accompanied kelepuhan NOT TO skin.
    * According to Stanley M. Zildo as quoted from his book The titled 'First Aid, How to Properly First Aid and Emergency', the symptoms of burns Mild redness singer Form IN Section The Burning, Swelling Lightweight, pain but the skin torn tidk BECAUSE blister.
    When subjected OR Seeing burns victims Level I, First aid What can be done is:
    1. Flush Part wound That Burned Flowing air WITH OR WITH compress Cold Water. Do it until the pain disappears.
    2. Close burns WITH sterile gauze to prevent infection review.
    3. Do not Give Butter OR IN burns oil.
    4. Do not give medicines to lie OR Herb Doctors Without approval.

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